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Sunday, May 8, 2011

Idiocy is Rampant --Argh!

In my travels today, I saw some things that made me take pause. I often say, "To each his (or her) own," meaning I try hard not to pass judgment on people who don't think or behave the way society deems normal. I also hate that word normal because there really is no such thing. Everyone, and I do mean everyone is abnormal, even if it's just a tad bit. As much as I tried to keep my mouth shut, I could not help but judge the people I witnessed today because... well... they just deserve to be pointed out.
The first thing I saw was this big black truck displaying a Rebel flag with the words "Git R Done" scrawled on the tailgate. The lady had a pink frilly shirt on and her arm hanging out of the window holding a lit cigarette. To each his (or her) own, right? However, as a co-worker of mine often points out (ad nauseam), there is "nothing positive that comes from smoking cigarettes." This lady will probably eventually die a slow and horrible death and live her last moments desperately gasping for air. Why does this concern me? It doesn't. She can smoke until she croaks and it matters little to me. However, our tax dollars will probably pay for the illnesses that she will incur from her risky habit or, at the very least, she will contribute to an increase in our health insurance rates. A few car lengths ahead was a man in a white Suburban, also sucking on a cancer stick. I thought to myself, "that is so unattractive." At any rate, I just wanted to get my public service announcement out there and say, "smoking is SOo not fashionable. Quit before it's too late. That's what Chantix is for" The alternative is quite scary.
The second thing I witnessed was another black truck with children in the truck bed. They were not seat belted in and were crawling around, poking another child in the back of the cab, who was also not seat belted in. This enraged me, mostly because there were three children whose lives were being jeopardized by their idiot parents, especially on Southern Boulevard where accidents happen almost daily. Then there is the problem that, if the driver gets into an accident and the kids flip out onto the road, the other drivers behind said truck get to experience the horror of running the children over. The mother was in the back too. What a wonderful Mother's Day that would be, eh? Lastly, if the children survived an accident and ended up in the hospital, if they don't have insurance, who pays for it? You guessed it, we do.
The last thing Marty and I experienced was this inconsiderate man who blocked our storage unit with his truck and all his belongings strewn about. We wanted to pull some more stuff out of our unit to get ready for our yard sale and could not get past this man. We asked him why all his stuff was all over the place, but he did not understand what we were saying. He did not care anyway. He was blah blah-ing on his cell phone and gave us a dirty look. He was just another inconsiderate person in, what seems to be, a growing number of inconsiderate people in our world. In the quest for world peace, I refrained from spraying him with my pepper spray and went home. I can look back and smile, so no harm done.

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