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Wednesday, February 23, 2011

UFOs, Do They Exist?

How come people who claim they have seen a flying saucer, can never take a decent photo or video of it??? It is so annoying to go to a website that supposedly has the latest UFO sightings and see a smudge on a photo, foggy lights in the distance, or watch a video of some guy, who sounds like he’s been smoking a lot of dope, watch zippy flying lights on the horizon (yes, those are flairs). Whenever there is a newscast with a sound bite saying something like, “A crowd of people saw an unidentified flying object in the sky over New Hampshire—News at 11,” I always have to look. I am usually disappointed though, because no one has ever taken a good photo or video that looks like an actual space ship; the kind you would see in the movies Close Encounters of the Third Kind, E.T. or Independence Day.

I am not saying that I don’t believe them because, really, I am one of those eternal wishful thinkers who hope to see the day when NASA finds life out there beyond our galaxy. However, I still have a healthy amount of skepticism that this will happen. For instance, how come some people see alien space ships and others have never seen one? There are some who claim they have actually been kidnapped by aliens. Isn’t it odd that these alleged aliens pick and choose whom they appear to? What makes “alien spotting” people so special? Supposedly there are many things in this world that go unexplained, and the possibility that life forms from other worlds have visited earth is not impossible, but to date no one has been able to convince me into believing it. The stories are entertaining though, aren’t they?
UFO,Green Market,City Place,Waterfront
Marty and I at the Green Market at the new waterfront on Flagler in West Palm Beach.


  1. UFO is an acronym for Unidentified Flying Object. This means the person seeing it can't figure out what it is, not that it came from another world. Your neighbor's crazy looking ultralight design project could very well qualify as a UFO if the design is radical enough that it can't be identified as a common looking airplane. Yes, I do beleive there's life elsewhere in the universe. But given the vast distances between galaxies, where, even if we could travel the speed of light it would take millions of years to get there, I doubt we'll ever meet.

  2. Well said Fine Art! I believe that the people who take pictures and videos of UFO's are thinking that these are space ships from outer space though. Yes, it's unidentified, but alien beings are implicated, no?

  3. The dictionary also defines UFO as a flying saucer and also a spaceship. Let's be honest here. When people investigate strange unidentified lights or "objects" flying about, they are generally trying to rule out the possibility of otherworldly intelligent life. Otherwise we'd be reporting every little dust particle flying around in a beam of light. Do we really know for sure that all the particles of dust in that beam are in fact dust or could there be tiny intelligent beings harvesting our dead skin cells? You don't know for sure. Not really.
