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Thursday, February 3, 2011

Freakish Cat Woman

Jocelyn Wildenstein is odd.  She is so strange, in fact, that I could not help but write about her in my “Odd is not Contagious” blog.  This woman definitely embraces her strange, and loves the attention that she gets from her plastic surgery that went awry.  What I think happened here is that she was married to a very wealthy man who wanted a trophy wife, and when she began to show her age, she decided it was time to get a little nip tuck.  Jocelyn became addicted to plastic surgery like so many women do, and because she had so many surgeries, her face started taking on a mind of its own.  Her face now looks ridiculous with a cat like appearance.  I have to give this lady credit though, because she turned something bad into something good by accepting what had happened to her and still being proud of her looks despite looking like a freak.  She is hugely famous and still rich beyond her Wildenstein’s dreams (like my pun?)  This just goes to show that beauty really is only skin-deep and we can all learn something from Jocelyn.  The main lesson is: Don’t worry so much about outward appearances, but rather how you make others feel.  This lady is obviously doing something right.