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Saturday, July 30, 2011

Results of Random Voting

It takes a certain type of person to be in political office. Yes, some Senators and Congressmen have altruistic intentions, but even those with the best of motives are the selfish and greedy sort. It's all about power and connections, which ultimately lead to loads of money. At least that's what the media has led me to believe over the past 40 years. Yes, I watched the news when I was five, believe it or not. Well, I did not actually watch it, but learned of news through osmosis, as I sat in front of the TV playing barbies while my grandmother watched the news.

When I turned 18, my grandmother encouraged me to vote. She said, "you have to sign up as a Democrat." Of course I had to register as a Republican because she told me to be a Democrat. I was 18 and no one was going to tell me what to do by God. Now, I cannot stand either party. In fact, I cannot stand anyone who sits in Congress on their high and mighty thumb, voting aimlessly while the little guy suffers. Do these congressman have a tough job? Probably. However, I believe if they are sitting in Congress, they need to have enough brains and common sense to pass a budget. They also need to have enough responsibility to do what is in the best interest of those who put their sorry butts in there.
Maybe, just maybe, there are a handful of these congressmen who don't care and are being passive aggressive, or think it's funny to just randomly vote the opposite of what everyone else is voting. You remember the kid in class who took those Scan-tron tests and filled in random bubbles to make a smiley face while he hysterically giggled to himself? I think that's what some of our leaders up in Washington DC are doing just to piss off the president.
This brings me to the importance of voting. Voting does not mean going to the polls on election day and filling in the bubbles randomly just because you like a politician's hair or his smile. Please, for the love of all that is good, please do research on the candidates. I will give you some examples of people who were voted into office who never, should have been there. They got into office with a flashy smile and some quick talking, so be careful who you vote into office.

Remember Rob Lagoyavich? He actually tried to sell President Obama's Senate seat and was also extremely arrogant. He did not have a charitable bone in his body. Who the hell voted that idiot into office?
Then there was Anthony Weiner. What a complete doofus that guy was. He obviously got into office and was able to get a beautiful wife by being a master manipulator; a fast talker.
Lastly, there is Obama. I am highly disappointed in what he has done with our country. He got in there because he could talk a good game. His speeches were so eloquent and he bamboozled the world with his, "Yes we can" baloney. Now look at the mess we are in.

I for one am tired of these politicians thinking they can do whatever the hell they want with no consequences. Our futures are in their hands. Do you feel confident that they will make the right decisions for our lives; for our kids lives?

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