I rarely stepped foot into a Super Wal-Mart until I met my husband four years ago. The main reason why is because my father worked for and retired from Publix after 35 years. He had always told me how bad it would be for our family’s bank account if I shopped at a competitor's store, so I refrained. Another reason is because many people who shop there seem quite odd, in fact, nightmarishly scary.
When Marty and I started dating, he talked me into walking into the local Super Wal-Mart and, being a single mother, I could not even come close to ever beating their prices at any competing grocery store. Whenever we’d walk through, I’d say to Marty, “I have to start taking pictures. I could get rich posting pictures of these people.” Several years ago, I even came up with a name for people who shop there. I call them “Wal-Martians,” and yes, I now consider myself a "Wal-Martian" too, but hopefully not as scary as most who shop there.
Well, someone must have heard me as I would shop and talk about taking photos of weird people at Wal-Mart, because there is now just such a website: http://www.google.com/images?client=gmail&rls=gm&q=weird+people+at+walmart&um=1&ie=UTF-8&source=univ&ei=URc-TfTJFsKtgQfoxrzUCA&sa=X&oi=image_result_group&ct=title&resnum=4&ved=0CEMQsAQwAw&biw=1280&bih=647 The next time I have an idea, I need to act on it. Check out the many pictures of exposed skin of all different shapes and sizes and big hair… lots of big hair. The positive side of all this madness is that it provides hours of entertainment on a rainy day.
Hahahaha! I absolutely HATE going in that store, but it's right around the corner from my house. I swear a lot of those people are weird!!!!
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